Tag Archives: blood pressure

The Effects of Muscle Tension and How Massage Can Help

Many people brush off muscle tension as being nothing more than the body’s response to stress, assuming it has no real impact on their health. But the truth is that muscle tension, especially chronic cases that persist for weeks or months on end, can affect the body in more ways than just one.

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Massage Therapy May Lower Blood Pressure

While most people seek massage therapy for its relaxing, stress-reducing benefits, it also may a beneficial treatment in lowering blood pressure.

According to the American Society of Hypertension (ASH), as many as 1 out 3 adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure (known medically as hypertension). If left unchecked, high blood pressure can lead to a wide range of

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5 Powerful Health Effects of Olive Oil

Derived from the fatty liquid of pressed olives, olive is a versatile substance that’s loaded in nutritional value. Just a single tablespoon has 10 grams of monosaturated fat, 1.4 grams of polysaturated fat, vitamin E, and other other key nutrients. While most people consume it for its delicious flavor and smooth characteristics, olive oil has surprising health benefits when consumed

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