Tag Archives: exercise

Want to tackle your bad posture? Massage can help.

Driving, working on the computer, staring at your cell phone screen. It feels like now more than ever, so many common daily activities all have our bodies hunching over in the same position.

This kind of bad posture can cause back pain, it can negatively affect your digestion and circulation, as well as affect your self esteem. A study from

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5 Surprising Benefits of Massage for Athletes

It is probably not surprising that massage can be beneficial for athletes. Those of us that ask a lot from our physical bodies on a regular basis can benefit from practices, like massage therapy, that support our bodies in staying healthy and performing at their highest level. In this post, we dug a little deeper and came up with five

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7 Ways Runners Benefit from Massage

Running is high-impact sport, but if you’re conscious about taking care of your body, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy running into your 70s or 80s. Taking care of your body can mean a variety of things, from nutrition to sleep to mental health. In this blog, we’ll go over the benefits to runners of regular massage. People have said

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Benefits of After-Workout Massage Therapy

While many people seek massage for its relaxing benefits, it can also prove useful for bodybuilders, athletes, and other physically active men and women. To learn more about massage therapy and the benefits it offers after working out, keep reading.

Reduces Inflammation

When you work out – particularly strength training exercises – your muscles become inflamed. This is a direct

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Smart Dieting Tips To Keep The Weight Off

Losing weight is as easy as exercising and dieting; the hard part is maintaining your new body weight. It’s not uncommon for individuals to suffer from ‘rebound weight gain‘ after getting down to their desired size. Even if you continue your normal gym routine, it may not be enough to prevent rebound weight gain. In order to keep the weight

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