Tag Archives: health

5 Reasons Massage Can Improve Overall Health

Massage is great for your overall health. Most people assume that massage can only help correct your sore muscles and reduce tension present throughout your body. But, that is a false assumption. Massage therapy is a great way to keep your overall health in tip-top shape. Check out these five reasons as to why massage is great for your overall

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Tips For Planning a Healthy Diet

With the new year upon us, millions of men and women are looking to reshape their diet for the better. As the saying goes, you are what you eat, holds true. People who eat fast food burgers and meals day after day are morel likely to develop diabetes, obesity and heart disease, while people who eat natural, nutritious foods will

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Remember to Be Thankful for Health

We’re already halfway through November and Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I know we all try to be thankful everyday for what we have, but it’s also nice to have a day where we come together with family and reflect on the things in our life we are grateful for. So in the spirit of the holidays, I wanted

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September 25th is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 marks the 12th annual National Women’s Health and Fitness Day. Women have the tendency to neglect their own needs for the needs of others. However, this can be dangerous if you choose to neglect your health and fitness. The mission of National Women’s Health and Fitness day is to inform and encourage women to

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